Grands Lacs de Champagne

En quête de nature : Sentier des salamandres

Set off to discover nature!

+33 (3) 25 43 38 88


Do you want to reconnect with nature in a preserved and exceptional natural space? Explore our forest regions in the company of the Park guide to spot the traces that nature leaves us to better understand it. Investigate, think and unravel the little mysteries of the forest to open yourself to the richness of the natural world around you. Meet at the Temple Forest car park. Please note: access to the meeting place by car (Forêt du Temple car park in Amance) is from the D79 (between Maison du Parc and Vendeuvre-sur-Barse, opposite the village of Loge-aux-Chèvres ). It is impossible to access it from Radonvilliers. By reservation.


Adult8 €
Child rate4 €


Le 09/08/2024

Horaires14:00 - 16:00

Plus d'informations

Langues parlées

French French


Dernière modification : 05/06/2024 18:00 par Office de Tourisme des Grands Lacs de Champagne