Publisher of the site, responsible for the publication: Tourist Office of the Great Lakes of Champagne
1 rue Emile Zola10
500 Brienne-le-Chateau – 03 25 92 82 41
Creation of the site: Média Bouquetin
Communication company in the Aube
67 Saint Vincent
Way10320 Souligny
SIRET number: 817 591 456 00014
Hosting of the site: IONOS SARL
7, place de la Gare – BP 7010957201
SARREGUEMINES – 09 70 80 89 11
SARL with a capital of 100 000 EURN
° SIRET 431 303 775 000 16
APE code: 6201ZIdentification
intracommunautaire FR 13 431303775
Media Bouquetin: for better protection of your data
Use of personal data
Média Bouquetin contributes modestly to the fight " so that our personal data is not considered as goods: so that no company can monitor our behavior and manipulate us for commercial or political purposes, in particular by selecting the advertising and information we receive. She fights for no decisions about our lives (employment, credit, studies, etc.) is taken automatically on the basis of this data. (Quadrature du net)
We therefore avoid using Google's services as much as possible:
- For maps, we use the open-source service umap and leafletjs. This alternative to Google map has several advantages: it is elegant, free, everyone can contribute to its development and above all, it does not collect or use information without your knowledge.
- To establish statistics on the attendance of the site, we use Matomo, free and open source software for measuring web statistics. The data collected is completely anonymous and is stored on our servers in France. Only we (the publishers and developers of the site) have access to this data. They therefore do not feed databases across the Atlantic and are only used to find out how the site is used.
- Of course, if you subscribe to the newsletter, we store your email address. It is also shared with the Mailchimp service. (A priori, this service does not resell your data to anyone and only uses it to provide its service.) You can unsubscribe with a simple click upon receipt of the newsletter.
Using cookies
We are not talking here about those chocolate and hazelnut cookies that you cherish so much but about computers. The computer cookie is the equivalent of a small text file stored on your computer or phone. Cookies were originally created to allow websites to authenticate users and record their browsing preferences, but over the years, their use has been largely diverted for commercial purposes. Some sites use them en masse to display targeted ads related to the user's browsing history and habits to influence them to the fullest. We don't.
What cookies do we use?
- Our website traffic analysis and statistics tool, Matomo, uses cookies in order to be able to produce fairly accurate audience statistics.
- A cookie is used when you click OK in the small banner that informs you that we use cookies. That way, this banner will no longer appear on your browser for a year.
- Finally, we keep in mind the language in which you visit the website.
That's all.
You too, opt for a free internet
By the way, we advise you to use other search engines than Google such as Qwant, DuckDuckGo, Lilo, Ecosia, StartPage, /e/spots or other … In the same way, we suggest you abandon Google Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge in favor of free web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Brave or Vivaldi. Finally, for your messaging, opt for Vivaldi, Posteo, Lilo or others…
To go further, you can consult Framasoft.