Grands Lacs de Champagne

JEP : Visite de l’église et de la chapelle

Visit the Soulaines-Dhuys chapel and church!

+33 (0)6 14 75 91 91


For the European Heritage Days, the Identité Terre association is offering an exceptional visit to the chapel of Saint Jean and the church of Saint Laurent and Saint Jean-Baptiste, which are usually closed to the public.

The chapel, one of the smallest and oldest timber-framed buildings in the Aube region, will be full of surprises, as will the church and its magnificent stained-glass windows.
Enter these buildings steeped in history and discover all their secrets!

Two time slots are available, one at 10am, the other at 4pm.


Non renseignés


Le 22/09/2024

Horaires10:30 - 15:00 -


Dernière modification : 12/09/2024 10:53 par Office de Tourisme des Grands Lacs de Champagne