Grands Lacs de Champagne

JEP : Entrée gratuite au Musée Napoléon

Come visit the Napoleon Museum!

+33 (0)3 25 27 65 80


For the European Heritage Days, the Napoleon Museum opens its doors to you for free!

In the heart of the building of the former Royal Military School, the Napoleon Museum invites you to discover the different facets of this world-famous figure.

Through 4 themes, immerse yourself in the life of the most illustrious of French people: Napoleon Bonaparte! Discover the military glories, his image, the reforming work and enter into an intimacy that is sometimes little known…

From history to legend, the Emperor will not leave you indifferent!





Du 21/09/2024 au 22/09/2024

Everyday10:00 - 12:30 13:30 -


Dernière modification : 12/09/2024 10:57 par Office de Tourisme des Grands Lacs de Champagne